Why are GT6 vitriols all fluids?

Chemical bathing with sulfuric acid produces some sulfates. Strangely, these sulfates are all liquid rather than solid (normally these sulfates should be solid), and their chemical formula is solid rather than water or sulfuric acid solution, which is very strange, because even if chemical bathing with hydrochloric acid or hydrofluoric acid, the chloride and fluoride obtained are solid. The shape of vitriols should also be solid (and they are solid even in reality), which causes some problems.
In addition, can you add some chemical reaction recipes about these sulfates? For example, replacing one metal with another (such as replacing copper and ferrous sulfate with iron and copper sulfate) or electrolyzing copper sulfate solution to recover sulfuric acid (which is a viable method of producing sulphuric acid in countrys where sulfuric acid is censored) is the reason why I raised this question… )


Wait Vitriols are all Solids? I did not actually know that, i just assumed they were aqueous Solutions just like the Acid would normally be (of which the water part is left out for simplicity sake).

And what do you use to electrolyze those Vitriols? Water? the H in H2SO4 needs to come from somewhere.


CuSO4, FeSO4 and other vitriols are solids under normal conditions. The fluid vitriols in the game should be a solution. I remember that GT5U has a recipe of purified chalcopyrite ore + nitric acid (why not sulfuric acid? Is it wrong? )= Chemical reactor = platinum group sludge + blue vitriol solution, electrolytic blue vitriol solution can get oxygen, copper and sulfuric acid, I am not sure you or bloodasp added.


I did not add the Platinum Group Sludge thing at all in GT5, I added something like it in GT6, but you see there is differences between GT5U and GT6 there.

But again I asked how the Electrolyzation Process you mentioned would be done, because I cant add a Recipe for Sulfuric Acid from the Vitriols without knowing the Details.


Ha, I did wonder this as well.
vitriol comes from the latin vitreous, to mean glassy in apperance. Early alchemists called their creations vitriol as the precipitate solid was glassy in appearance.

Funnily another name for sulfuric acid is oil of vitriol.


I would like to remind you of this question.


I believe blue vitriol are those blue diamonds you would grow in chemistry class from copper sulfate solution. Without research i’m guessing its a water based solution.


OK, now there is a way to recover sulfuric acid by electrolyzing vitriols and water, which is more convenient and reasonable. My question now is, what’s the matter with Martian vitriol and black vitriol? They don’t seem to have access to…

In addition, I noticed duranium and tritanium hexahalides. How do they get them? What’s the effect? I think of uranium hexafluoride. Maybe later uranium processing can be improved…

Maybe try bathing silver minerals with nitric acid to get silver nitrate (don’t get it on your hands! )…


Sometimes things just exist because other mods added them in the past, sometimes they exist because I have read a Wikipedia Page listing all Vitriols, without finding something that makes the Iron Vitriols, and sometimes I put ideas containing Silver Nitrate onto the vague TODO List.


shit, now Wikipedia in all languages is blocked in China…
Martian vitriol seems to be ferric sulfate, which can be obtained by the reaction of sulfuric acid and ferric oxide (hematite). As for black vitriol, it seems to be a mixture of sulfate…